Poll: Americans support bipartisan infrastructure bill by 51% to 19%

Republican support, however, just below half – although they still tend to support the bill by almost 2:1. GOP opposition in part stems from the belief of more than a third of Republicans that they will be personally harmed by its passage. Nevertheless, four in ten in this group still support the bill. Democrats, meanwhile, are overwhelmingly positive, and a majority of Independents are also in favor.


Conservatives, especially those who describe themselves as very conservative, are less supportive of the infrastructure bill than liberals or moderates. Among Republicans, for example, only 39% of those who call themselves very conservative support the compromise bill, compared to 53% of other Republicans…

This Economist/YouGov poll also asked Americans to rate five of the ten senators involved in the negotiations. Reaching their hands across the aisle may have helped these senators when it comes to how the other party views them, but it may also have hurt them with their own.

For the Republican senators, at least twice as many Republicans hold negative as positive views of each of them: Mitt Romney of Utah (63% vs 21%), Susan Collins of Maine (39% vs 20%), and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (40% vs 15%).

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