Instead of the masks-must-be-worn signs that became commonplace around California in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the sign taped to the window at Basilico’s Pasta e Vino reads, “PROOF OF BEING UNVACCINATED REQUIRED.”…
“Our American way of life is under attack,” Roman wrote in a statement to NBCLA. “And I feel blessed to be on the front lines of this battle in defense of Liberty and Freedom, willing to put everything at risk for it, pledging our business as a ‘Constitutional Battleground’ since day one of the lockdowns on March 19th, 2020.
“We have never complied with any restrictions since, and when the tiny tyrants go on the attack with new mandates, we fire back launching new missiles of defiance. And with the new and aggressive push for mandatory vax policies, we couldn’t resist, so we are sending a message of our own. Hopefully most are smart enough to read between the lines. Otherwise we will just sit back and have fun watching their heads explode over it.”
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