AOC: Why don't Republicans want schools to teach anti-racism?

“Critical race theory is not taught in elementary school, it is barely taught in law schools frankly in the level it should be taught,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Monday. “Beyond that, because we know that Republicans have started to now use this — these laws curtailing critical race, quote, unquote, “curriculum” that’s not even being taught in the first place as a proxy to saying we can’t teach anything about race in our schools beyond just some of the most minute minimal, minimal, minimal facts.”


“I also say, and to that we should say why don’t you want our schools to teach anti-racism? Why don’t Republicans want their kids to know the tradition of anti-racism in the United States? Why are Republicans trying to ban books in this country? Why are Republicans trying to ban speech? Why are they trying to fire certain professors? Why are they attacking the core roots of history in this country that strays anything beyond what two already know?” AOC asked.

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