Trump's surgeon general: CDC relaxing mask guidance is "premature"

“Last year Tony Fauci and I famously, prematurely, & wrongly advised against masks. I felt it was the best call at the time, but now regret it. I’m worried the CDC also made a similarly premature, misinterpreted, yet still harmful call on masking in the face of delta variant,” Adams said in a series of postings on Twitter Saturday. He said the mask guidelines should pertain to areas where coronavirus cases are increasing and vaccine rates are declining... ​”​What Dr. Fauci and I said was based on the science & conditions at the time, and amounted to ​’​save the medical masks (which were all that was available) for the medical workers.​’​ Both the conditions & the science changed, but what people heard and held to was masks don’t wo​rk,” he said in another posting. ​ “What @CDCgov said was based on the science & conditions at the time, and amounted to ‘you’re safe IF you vax it OR mask it,’” Adams said. “Both the conditions (rising cases) & the science (delta variant) changed, but what people heard and held to was masks were no longer needed.”​

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