“Many of us didn’t survive the pandemic,” Brandi Felt Castellano said of restaurants in an interview on Tuesday. “For people to be this aggressive towards the ones that have is disheartening.”
This was not always the case. Earlier in the pandemic, customers overwhelmingly exhibited kindness, Ms. Felt Castellano said. The restaurant’s motto, which is posted on its website, is “Come as Strangers, Leave as Friends.”
But since restaurants in the state were allowed to fully reopen on May 29, the treatment of the Apt Cape Cod’s 24 employees, many of whom are young and who include the couple’s two children, had gotten worse.
“It’s like abuse,” she said. “It’s things that people are saying that wouldn’t be allowed to be on TV because they would be bleeped. People are always rude to restaurant workers, but this far exceeds anything I’ve seen in my 20 years.”
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