Luntz then suggested it would be “easier” if Biden publicly asked Trump to do a public service announcement with him at the White House:
Joe Biden should specifically ask Donald Trump publicly – publicly – to join him in a PSA to come to the White House and be filmed saying, “Mr. President Trump, you developed this vaccine in record pace, and you deserve credit for that because we would not be able to vaccinate people if it wasn’t for you, Donald Trump.”
And then he should say, “Mr Trump, tell your people right now, right now that you developed the vaccine – your administration – you know it’s safe. You took it. Your wife took it. Your kids have taken it. Now it’s time for the American people to take it. Now it’s time for your people to take it.”
Actually, I would ask Joe Biden right now not to call him out, but to call on him to do the greatest public service he could.
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