Critical Race Theory has no idea what to do with Asian-Americans

However, with the emergence of several racial groups that have come to be just as successful as whites, critical race theorists have come up with the term, "white adjacency." Robin DiAngelo, author of the now-infamous book White Fragility, defines it this way: "The closer you are to whiteness—the term often used is white-adjacent—you're still going to experience racism, but there are going to be some benefits due to your perceived proximity to whiteness. The further away you are, the more intense the oppression's going to be." According to CRT advocates, Asian Americans are the most "white-adjacent" minority. What does this mean, in practice? In my new book, An Inconvenient Minority, I tell the story of the many Asian Americans who are harmed by an ideology that penalizes their success. Progressives, I argue, "call out Asians for either trying to be like white people or benefiting from systems that prop up white dominance." Under the logic of CRT, it also means Asians are complicit in upholding white supremacy. To be "white-adjacent" is to benefit from the systems of oppression upon which America was allegedly founded. Applying the words of Kendi, then, means that Asians are a privileged group against whom discrimination is justified in order to make room for the "truly" oppressed.

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