Democrats have an elitism problem. Whitehouse is the latest example.

Despite their lofty rhetoric, expecting wealthy white liberals to change the systems of power which benefit them is a fool's errand. It's not surprising to me that Sheldon Whitehouse, the scion of a wealthy and prominent New England family, would belong to a club like this and see no problem with it. It's how people like him have kept power for more than a century—or, as he says, "a long tradition." And of course, he's not alone. The concept of the "limousine liberal" is nothing new; it has been used effectively by opponents on the Right and Left to highlight Democratic elitism. Back in the 1970s, White Bostonians attacked then-Senator Edward Kennedy for his perceived hypocrisy on bussing, pointing out the blue-blooded Kennedy sent his kids to private schools rather than integrated schools. And the classism of elite liberals has in the intervening years found more subtle expressions, such as former President Barack Obama's infamous words about working class voters in the Rustbelt who "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

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