Kamala's bad trip

If Harris really had an interest in putting a stop to the migrant surge as soon as possible, she would visit the border and talk directly to these migrants, as well as local law enforcement and border patrol to ascertain what support they need to provide much-needed security for Americans living in border towns. But she has laughed at the concept of going to the border at every turn, showing how fundamentally unserious she is about solving the issue. When NBC’s Lester Holt asked Harris in an interview this week why she had not been to the border, she responded, ‘And I haven’t been to Europe! And I mean — I don’t understand the point that you’re making.’ The point is that anyone tasked with leading on an issue should probably make an attempt to view the problem firsthand and collect as much information as possible to craft solutions. Harris thinks that simple show of understanding and effort, however, amounts to a ‘grand gesture’. Oddly, she did not view border visits this way when she used them to protest and browbeat Trump over alleged ‘human rights abuse’. Harris’s gaslighting on this issue is reinforced by the Biden White House’s claims that they have the crisis under control, merely because they have transferred the tens of thousands of individuals in custody from Department of Homeland Security ‘cages’ to Health and Human Services facilities. And let’s not forget that for months they refused to call it a ‘crisis’ at all. This administration’s prioritization of optics over good policy, exemplified by Harris’s absurd trip to Central America, will sadly only hurt the everyday Americans who are dealing with the economic and security consequences of increased illegal immigration.

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