QAnon at a crossroads: Leaders try to rein in the crazy

On Telegram, a virulently antisemitic QAnon promoter impersonating former Trump intelligence official Ezra Cohen-Watnick has amassed more than 300,000 followers, coming from nowhere to challenge some of QAnon’s most established promoters. The account has attempted to push QAnon, which has always held antisemitic overtones, into a far more anti-Jewish direction, posting crude caricatures of Jewish people and pushing discredited antisemitic conspiracy theories. At the same time, Telegram has become a haven for QAnon promoters posting outlandish financial promises, claiming, for example, that QAnon believers will become wealthy if they buy a specific cryptocurrency or near-valueless currency like the Iraqi dinar. Others have claimed that the world economy will soon be radically restructured in a “global financial reset” that will abolish debts, meaning QAnon believers should feel free to take on huge debts and not worry about paying them back. As QAnon’s Telegram channels have become a haven for even more obvious hucksterism than usual, prominent QAnon booster Jordan Sather has slammed his QAnon rivals in an attempt to push QAnon away from both the antisemitic “Ezra” account and the predictions of a financial utopia. As often happens in internal QAnon wars, various sides have accused one another of being deep-state plants meant to sow discord within QAnon.

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