Biden needs to make China pay for its actions over COVID

This time, Biden should be leading a multinational effort to isolate China, get answers and demand reparations. Without answers, warns Baylor physician and microbiologist Peter Hotez, there will be a COVID-26 and a COVID-32, meaning more viral disasters. Biden is merely going through the motions, though, appearing to take action but doing nothing. He has called for a 90-day investigation by US intelligence agencies. Yet as Hotez says, “we’ve pushed intelligence as far as we can.” Scientists need to collect lab samples from Wuhan and biological samples from the earliest COVID patients. The Biden administration has also called on WHO to investigate again. WHO allowed China to handpick the first investigation team, ban access to biological evidence and veto conclusions Beijing didn’t like. There is no point to a second WHO investigation. The UN outfit remains a puppet to China.

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