What the Fauci emails reveal

On March 1, 2020, Fauci recommends the use of N95s while explaining that transmission is similar to influenza but more aerosol than droplets. The recommendation of N95s makes sense with his previous denigration of pharmacy-bought masks, and it follows on studies showing that some of the styles of mask popularly worn could actually increase the spread of droplets. By March 31, 2020, Fauci is buying into the less-effective masks based on “some data from NIG that indicate that mere speaking without coughing elicits aerosols that travel a foot or two.” Fauci concludes, “If that is the case, then perhaps universal wearing of masks is the most practical way to go.” I’m not sure that’s really true, as, at best, cloth masks slightly redirect the aerosols that transmit COVID-19. However, Fauci would occasionally say things such as how he wanted masks to “be a symbol” for the type of thing you should do. That is, he seemed to betray his view of their medical utility by leaning heavily on their psychological utility. And I expect that the defense of store-bought cloth masks will retreat to this ground. Perhaps they’ll say that it’s true the virus easily gets through the mask, but the mask does some redirecting work, and that this slight utility combines with its use as a constant physical reminder of COVID mitigation behavior such as social distancing to slow the spread. For me, one of the most interesting exchanges comes from Dr. Josh Backon of Hebrew University who became angry that Fauci had been downplaying the use of cheap, well-tested anti-viral drugs such as Chloroquine and Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Backon sent an initial email proposing the logic behind these treatments, and then later sent the email again below a link to a study substantiating his claims, with the curtly defiant, “Continue ignoring me.” Fauci brushed him off, saying, “You’re not being ignored,” and promised someone would take a look at his research.

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