Going maskless and getting back to "normal" will take me a while

Nothing for me is “normal” anymore. While I feel somewhat safer after being vaccinated, I still cringe knowing the element of narcissistic American culture that hijacked the pandemic narrative for the past year is still out there in droves. Too many Americans don’t care about anyone’s health but their own, and that frightens me. I find myself longing for scientists to develop a vaccination to protect me from their particular brand of self-centered recklessness and stupidity that could injure myself or someone I love. I was in Savannah, Ga., this past weekend. As I walked past an older man and woman to go down a staircase to the Riverwalk area, the man coughed. I almost lost it because all of us were maskless. I surprised myself with how vehemently I pulled away from him and how thankful I was that my head was turned in the opposite direction as I scurried down the staircase, putting distance between me and him. Despite being a fully vaccinated physician, researcher, and scientist, I’m a human being who is afraid of this virus.

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