Cheney can wax poetically about the ‘anti-democratic Trump cult of personality’ and ‘principles’ and being ‘brave’ all she likes. The real problem is that she’s doing all of this Trump-focused grandstanding instead of her actual job. Fervently hating Donald Trump and writing sanctimonious diatribes for Jeff Bezos’s newspaper is Jennifer Rubin’s job. She’s meant to be representing the interests of her constituents and of the Republican conference.
The question that keeps getting posed — about whether or not there is room for views that go against Trump in the modern GOP — does not get to the root of the issue. There are plenty of Republicans who spoke out against Trump after January 6. But unlike Cheney, those politicians have since shifted their focus from Trump to the Biden-Harris-Fauci administration. Cheney just never stops talking about how much she hates Trump. Aside from a small set within the Democratic political class, everyone is tired of such talk.
Cheney has clearly realized her future is not in politics — and a very public ousting is what she is after. Jeff Zucker’s network has cornered the market on self-important Republicans with terrible political instincts. I’m sure CNN will soon find a gig for Cheney to speak her truth.
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