The left feels lizard-brained hatred towards Tim Scott

There’s nothing mysterious about Jenner or Scott politically. Jenner might be trans, but before that happened to be a conservative. Having once been a pro athlete, Jenner’s now wary about former men competing in women’s sports; having achieved success (however questionably), Jenner supports small government and low taxes. Scott, meanwhile, is a genuine rags-to-riches story, born into poverty and elected to the Senate. This has inspired in him a deep patriotism, a belief in American opportunity and mobility and self-correction. You might disagree with those positions but they aren’t difficult to understand; in fact, once contextualized, they make a good deal of sense. The problem is that we’re in a culture war, and in culture wars the context doesn’t matter. What does matter is napalming the holy hell out of the other side, whether by punching Nazis (read: conservatives) or owning the libs. Underlying critical race theory and neo-Keynesianism and so much else is the ancient and base instinct to inflict cruelty on the other tribe. The Democratic worldview holds that black and transgender Americans are in their camp, which makes Scott and Jenner not just enemies but traitors. And in a war, or at least under a wartime mentality, traitors are to be torn down with especial viciousness.

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