In U.S., more now worry about vaccine demand than supply

After peaking in the first half of April, vaccinations in the U.S. have slowed. Gallup's latest polling about the pandemic finds Americans are over three times more worried about people in their local area choosing not to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (55%) than about the availability of vaccines (15%). Those worried about others not being vaccinated are about equally split between saying they are very worried (28%) and moderately worried (27%)... Even though the overall rate of vaccine willingness has been steady, the percentage who report that they have already received at least one shot has risen sharply from 32% in March to 57% in April, while the proportion yet to be vaccinated -- those who say they are willing -- has fallen to 18%. Meanwhile, the percentage unwilling, at 25%, is by one point the lowest Gallup has measured to date.

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