While it is technically true that there is not proactive language in the bill preventing “the funding of aborted fetal tissue,” that’s also true of nearly every bill Congress votes on. It also has very little to do with the legislation.
The bill is actually a reauthorization of two programs: The C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program, a program named after a former Republican Congressman which helps match bone marrow and umbilical cord blood with people in need, and the National Cord Blood Inventory Program. That program also provides funding for the collection and storage of umbilical cord blood and bone marrow, both of which can be used to help treat diseases like cancer, anemia, and other immune system disorders.
Past versions of this bill have made it very clear that the measure does not provide money for embryonic stem cell research—which is related to eggs that were fertilized in a lab and is far more controversial in GOP circles.
But this bill is about “adult stem cells,” particularly the stem cells that are collected after a baby has been delivered and cut from the umbilical cord. (The blood is then drawn or drained from the umbilical cord.)
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