Christie to GOP study group: Call Biden out as a liar

"Oh, it’s ‘poor old Joe’ now? You can’t call poor old Joe a liar?” asked the former New Jersey governor. “No. You can. And we need to.” Then, added Christie, you realize that everything changed in Washington after the election except the rules: “The American people understand fairness. Right? That's it. They say, ‘Oh, you're just being negative to the president.’ No. No, I'm not being negative to President Biden. I'm holding him to the same standard you all held President Trump to, and if it was fair then, it is sure as heck fair now.”... He likened the actions of the current Democratic majority to their forebears in 1992 and 2008, who moved too quickly and “gave us back Congress with bigger majorities each time than they sit with today.” “We don't need to bludgeon them to death every minute,” he added, “but what we do need to do is go after the soft underbelly. The soft underbelly are the lies.”

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