Romney: Urgent action needed on vaccination plan

“Here’s one idea. It undoubtedly has flaws, but I offer it not as the answer but as an example of the kind of options that ought to be brainstormed in Washington and in every state.


“First, call on people who have carried out widespread vaccination programs elsewhere or in the past. Learn from their experience.

“Second, enlist every medical professional, retired or active, who is not currently engaged in the delivery of care. This could include veterinarians, combat medics and corpsmen, medical students, EMS professionals, first responders, and many others who could be easily trained to administer vaccines. Congress has already appropriated funding for states so that these professionals can be fully compensated.

“Establish vaccination sites throughout the state, perhaps in every school. Make sure that a medical professional is in each school building to be able to respond to a reaction that might occur.

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