“If he would do his homework, he would understand the evidence is overwhelming”

On Monday, Brooks gave an interview to Fox & Friends where Will Cain asked him to explain his strategy for when he intends to dispute Congress’ certification of the Electoral College results. Brooks once again claimed “overwhelming and compelling” evidence of mass voter fraud and election theft, but declined to elaborate because “it probably takes more time than you’re allotting me.”


Instead of using the rest of the interview to press Brooks for proof, Cain moved ahead by bringing up Kinzinger, who has been slamming fellow Republicans looking to benefit themselves by advancing Trump’s “utter scam” against the election. When asked for his response to Kinzinger calling the attempt “sad,” Brooks retorted “It is sad to the extent we’ve got Republicans who are unwilling to do their homework and unwilling to make tough decisions, and unfortunately, Adam Kinzinger falls in that ballpark.”

“If he would do his homework, he would understand the evidence is overwhelming,” Brooks claimed again. “He can either surrender to the people who support voter fraud, election theft, or he can fight for his country on this particular issue.”

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