Biden’s approach differed from Trump’s aggressive style and, to some, better reflected the realities of the pandemic, which has forced millions to embrace social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. And 51.1% of the electorate responded favorably to the quieter candidate, though Trump has yet to concede and is still contesting the results in multiple states.
“Most Americans were tired of Donald Trump getting in their faces every day. Joe Biden, a direct descendant of the ‘No Drama Obama’ administration, understood that Americans needed a mental vacation from Trump’s daily trials and tribulations and ran a low-profile campaign,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. “Biden believes that less is more when it comes to presidential visibility and power. Republicans can and will complain. But Americans will find a low-profile presidency a welcome relief after four long, hard years of Trump.”
“One of the worst aspects of Trump’s presidency is the way he simply consumed all of our mental bandwidth, so that it became all but impossible to think of anyone or anything else,” opined Bret Stephens, a Never Trump conservative columnist, in the New York Times. “Experiencing his presidency was like a bad reaction to dog dander. Or a painfully long bout of hiccups. Or trying to swat away a determined mosquito as it buzzes your ear as you are drifting off to sleep. Or a 6 a.m. car alarm that won’t stop. Or a case of poison ivy in some delicate part of the anatomy.”
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