When we get more accurate data, we’re likely to see what we saw in 2016 — about two thirds of Trump votes came from “the better-off half of the economy.” And while Trump may have slightly diversified an extremely white Republican base in 2020 compared to how McCain and Romney fared against the first Black president, he did far worse with Latinos and Asian-Americans than George W. Bush in 2004.
Let’s also pause to note that bragging about winning 12% of the Black vote is even more embarrassing than insisting some of your best friends are “the Blacks” who don’t mind that you’re a birther who still refuses to apologize for calling to bring back the death penalty two weeks after the arrest of the Central Park Five — five Black and Latino teens who were wrongfully convicted of a brutal 1989 rape and exonerated in 2002.
I note this not to excuse Democrats’ slippage in appeal to the working class but to note the obvious: When people talk about Trump’s appeal to the “working class,” there’s almost always a silent “white” being inferred. America’s actual working class is increasingly the opposite of Trump’s base — struggling, female and diverse.
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