Our hypocritical leaders refuse to obey their own COVID-19 rules

One of Cuomo’s most famous constituents similarly seems to think rules are for the little people. He actually broke quarantine after testing positive for the virus.


The constituent’s wife posted pictures of herself working out indoors, maskless, with a personal trainer, while gyms in the state remained closed. And he was recently photographed getting a haircut, maskless, which would result in a $1,000 fine for the rest of us.

I’m referring, of course, to Gov. Cuomo’s brother, CNN host Chris Cuomo, who gets a pass on all of his bad behavior because of his last name (and left-wing politics).

Politicians and their families are just not like the rest of us. Newsom sent his kids back to hybrid, in-person private school in Sacramento County while public schools there remain closed.

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