Biden raised $383M last month, has $432M cash on hand

You heard it from the VP: our grassroots community of donors helped us raise $383 million in September — a record. I’m proud of what you’ve been able to build, but there’s still more work to do. Here’s some other things I’m proud of under the hood: (1/?)


Our success has been driven by our grassroots supporters. $203 million came from online donors. We had 1.1 million new donors last month — bringing the total to 5.5 million donors throughout this campaign. And as a result, we have $432 million in the bank. (2/?)

Millions of Americans, like Trimicka from the video, chose to donate $5, $10 to be part of this campaign — because they believe in unity over division, truth over lies, hope over fear, and love over hate. (3/?)

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