"The hits just keep coming": Congress stumbles from crisis to crisis

“Whether we’re dealing with a religious apocalypse or not is up to you. But it’s almost certainly a political apocalypse,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a former constitutional law professor who, fittingly, has been wearing a mask depicting William Shakespeare, the greatest dramatist of all time.


The constant stream of disasters and debacles over the past two years has rattled even the most senior lawmakers, putting everyone on edge about what terrible catastrophe could possibly happen next.

“It’s probably the most tumultuous, challenging atmosphere I’ve ever seen up here. And not just for us — this represents what’s going on in the nation. Unusual. Unprecedented,” said veteran Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), who was first elected to Congress in 1978. “But when a plague comes, it compounds all the other problems.”

As it sputters from crisis to crisis, Congress — already the most detested branch of government — has somehow discovered more ways to disappoint the American public. Both sides agree on just one thing: The partisan politics are outright toxic, and getting worse with each earth-shattering development.

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