Can love survive this election?

Lately it has become increasingly difficult for them to converse without discussions turning contentious. “Frankly, I try to avoid it, because it’s gotten to the point where there is no reasonable conversation and it’s quite painful,” Ms. Sanchez said. And so they have banned political speak at home — “because it’s so charged,” she said — but with the approaching election constantly in the news, once forbidden topics have become impossible to evade.


For many couples, fighting about politics has become more common. Since President Trump’s election, Ken Jewell, a New York City divorce lawyer, has had clients in his office regularly ranting about their partners’ outlooks on initiatives like Black Lives Matter.

“Before that, it never really became much of an issue because you didn’t have the divisive candidate,” he said. And while people aren’t citing political differences as the sole reason for divorce, the topic is certainly compounding matters. “Presidential years are typically very quiet for divorces because of the uncertainty of the presidency,” Mr. Jewell said. “This year, it has been beyond insane.”

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