Liberals want more from Biden than an anti-Trump message

“If I am to accept him as being a transformative leader, then I need to see evidence of his own transformation, and I haven’t,” said LaTosha Brown, the head of the civil rights group Black Voters Matter. Brown said she is unsure what a Biden presidency would look like beyond “Trump is gone.”…


To some, Biden’s plans for his presidency often feel like secondary themes. At a pair of recent speeches in Pennsylvania and Delaware, Biden devoted much of his time to blistering attacks on Trump’s leadership. And in the video that launched his campaign, Biden focused sharply on the president, pointing to Trump’s comments that there were “very fine people” on both sides of a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

“While it’s true that Trump is destroying himself, so it’s tempting to just let him do that, it is important to give hope to working families and be more specific about how government stimulus can put people back to work in sustainable ways,” said Larry Cohen, the chairman of Our Revolution, a liberal group aligned with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

“I think it’s dangerous to set as the main protagonist of your campaign somebody other than yourself,” said Maurice Mitchell, the national director of the Working Families Party, a liberal organization.

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