Do L.A. politicians who pushed for reopening now have regrets?

“I do not have any regrets about the speed at which we reopened because I felt we were very deliberate in how we as a county moved that forward,” Barger said. “The lessons learned, in hindsight, were we didn’t stress enough that just because we’re reopening doesn’t mean the virus isn’t very much still in the community.”


But would she support another shutdown?

“I’d be hard-pressed to support rolling back and having a complete shutdown again,” Barger said in an interview Wednesday. “There are people out there that are truly wondering if they’re going to have a business to come back to, or whether people are going to have jobs to come back to.”

While Barger, the only Republican on what’s arguably the most progressive Board of Supervisors in its history, remains cautious of further shutdowns, Hahn said more businesses might need to close to protect the public.

“To be honest with you, we knew how difficult it would be to reclose, and to walk it back,” Hahn said. “We knew that would not go over well, but we have to right now.

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