Just 38% of Dems say America is the greatest or one of the greatest countries on earth

Among Democrats, only 38 percent believe that the United States is one of the greatest countries or the greatest country on earth. Meanwhile, 66 percent of Republicans believe the U.S. is the greatest nation, with many more following close behind in the “one of the greatest” category.


That result does not necessarily mean Democratic voters are less patriotic than Republicans. Perhaps their less positive perception of the United States reflects their negative perception of its leader, President Donald Trump. The Suffolk poll showed that a mere 6 percent of Democratic voters approve of the job that Donald Trump is doing as president, while more than 15 times as many (92 percent) disapprove. It is also possible that they feel Trump represents the portion of the United States’ voting population with whom they disagree vehemently.

The one-third of registered voters who think the United States is the greatest is comprised largely of Trump’s core support base.

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