If the election were held today

The election is not today. That is really good news for President Trump. If the election were today, the President would be toast. It is really ugly out there right now. I was given the opportunity to review some polling that puts it in perspective. The poll was conducted for a major national corporation trying to get a sense of the business environment and sentiment of people. It focused on Georgia. I can’t tell you all the details, but I can tell you what I got to see. The CEO of the company subscribes to this email and is sympathetic to the President. He is deeply concerned about what his company is seeing on the horizon.


800 people who had voted in the last four presidential elections, which admittedly undersamples young voters, though they don’t turn up anyway, were contacted by landline and mobile phones. President Trump loses Georgia by two percent to Joe Biden. David Perdue is ahead of Jon Ossoff by a point. Doug Collins is ahead of Kelly Loeffler, who is in second in that race. The GOP will get wiped out in the suburbs losing the 7th congressional district and failing to retake the 6th. If the voter sentiment and trendlines are accurate, the GOP will suffer significant losses in the suburbs in the state legislature, though I would guess will barely keep their majority…

Voters are angry. They blame Washington, not Georgia. They blame Republicans, not Democrats. They blame the President. The suburbs are angry and the anger is shared by men and women. White suburban voters who don’t identify as Democrat think the Democrats are best able to address their concerns. Republican voters are more divided than they have been.


Thank goodness for the President that it is June.

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