Anderson said he was doing a news interview when he saw the man vandalizing, so he turned around and tried to stop him.
“I said, ‘we asked allies to step back so that we can make sure that you’re following what we’re asking you to do,'” he recalled. “And he was like, ‘I’m not your ally, you guys want to protect the status quo. I don’t need to be here for you all.'”
Anderson said there were “several people” who were behaving like that at the protest, some of whom he believed are “right-wing conservative individuals who just don’t give a damn about black and brown people, or want to make this movement look bad.”
“It wasn’t black and brown folks that were antagonizing police. It was white people throwing stuff at them,” he said. “And then when they kept throwing bags of urine, cans and water bottles, that’s when the police snapped and they started tear gassing innocent bystanders.”
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