Florida throws open its doors — and holds its breath

The urban centers of Miami-Dade and Broward counties, which have remained largely closed, joined the rest of the state in slowly reopening businesses as Florida became one of the largest states in the nation to test how to reopen commerce amid a pandemic.


Gyms can open back up and restaurants can double capacity, to 50 percent, across nearly all of Florida. Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing theme parks — a lifeblood of the state — to open, and professional sports leagues to set up shop.

The “Full Phase 1” reopening is an experiment with life-and-death consequences for people, the health of the Florida economy and, potentially, President Donald Trump’s chances of winning the nation’s biggest swing state and therefore his reelection…

“It would be absolutely foolish for anybody to say everything is OK. It’s not,” said Gelber, who worries that the state and Miami-Dade County are opening too quickly. Gelber, a Democrat, said Miami Beach is waiting until Wednesday to open nonessential businesses, such as retail shops, and that restaurants will be able to open up at 50 percent capacity next week.

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