Pence presses governors to ramp up testing

On “Fox News Sunday,“ Pence said the administration expects that 150,000 tests per day can be increased to 300,000 per day. To get there, he said, it would entail “working with governors to activate all of the laboratories in their states around the country that can do coronavirus testing.”…


“To try to push this off, to say that the governors have plenty of testing and they should just get to work on testing — somehow we aren’t doing our job — is just absolutely false,” said Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, said on CNN’s “State of the Union.“ Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, made similar remarks on the same program.

“Every governor.” Hogan said, “in America has been pushing and fighting and clawing to get more tests, not only from the federal government but from every private lab in America and from all across the world, and we continue to do so.”

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