Public health experts plead with Trump not to defund WHO

“I don’t think this is a time to defund the WHO, given the fact that I think this is going to become an epidemic in the Southern Hemisphere, in parts of the world that don’t have resources to deal with this kind of a global issue,” Scott Gottlieb, Trump’s former Food and Drug Administration commissioner, said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” Gottlieb added, however, that Trump “raised a lot of valid concerns” about Chinese transparency around the Covid-19 outbreak…


Tom Inglesby, director of Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, in a separate interview Sunday also called for the U.S. to maintain its support for the WHO.

“The U.S. needs the World Health Organization to function properly,” Inglesby said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It is the organization that helps the world prepare and respond to this. We’re going to need the world to recover from Covid if we’re going to get normalcy back.”

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