Floating conspiracy theories about coronavirus models is dangerous

The notion that data modeling is static or that updating estimates based on new information means the original estimates were “wrong” is nonsensical, and using it to question someone’s motives and advance a political agenda as it relates to the economic situation is dangerous. It’s worse when the president listens to the cranks and bases his words and actions not on the information provided by experts in the field but by people blowing steam on social media.


Is it fair to debate the merits of stay-at-home orders and the effect they have on the economy and the people out of work as a result? Absolutely. But that debate should center around rational and responsible thought processes. It should not happen in an echo chamber of stupid accusations about Bill Gates’s supposed thirst for power or Fauci muddling his way through the public health sector for 50 years so that he can have his moment in the sun at age 80.

If anything, the crisis will finally push the government at all levels to make better preparations for the next time it happens and mitigate the damage early instead of having to play catch-up.

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