Trump’s suggestion that he could put New York, New Jersey and Connecticut on lockdown was met with broad derision within the public health community on Saturday, which also questioned his legal authority and dismissed the idea as unproductive.
“The energy required to even begin to enforce something like that is probably better spent on core public health response activities,” said Joshua Sharfstein, a public health professor at Johns Hopkins University…
[It] that would accomplish little, health experts said, warning that the U.S. is well past trying to contain coronavirus to certain geographic regions — and should focus instead on identifying the next batch of hot spots.
“New York is further ahead on the path that the whole country is on,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development and former Obama-era foreign aid official. “What we don’t need is inconsistent social distancing and quarantining policies that are driven by presidential tweet.”
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