Why can’t Congress vote from home?

It would allow them more time with their constituents in their district.

It would allow younger lawmakers more time with their families and thus help make Congress something younger people would be interested in. “Instead of getting up at 5:45 a.m. on Monday, letting my kids get themselves off to school and spending the entire day on airplanes to arrive at the House floor by 6:30 p.m.” for a noncontroversial vote, said Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), who has three children, “I could get up, sign paperwork, have breakfast with my kids, make sure their backpacks are ready to go, and go into the office, spending from 9 to 1 on constituents meetings, and get on a 2:30 flight to Washington, D.C. If I could vote remotely even on that one vote, it would give me four more hours with my constituents and time with my children in the morning,” she said.


It could make it easier for lawmakers financially not to have to spend so much on a second residence in an expensive place such as the District. On the extreme end of remote work, they’d be in the capital less often.

It could help reduce the influence of lobbyists if Congress weren’t in the District all the time.

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