If you cut the data just right, you can make a bit of a case. A study of “hostile sexism” among Democratic-primary voters (“hostile sexism” is denoted by affirming such statements as, “Most women interpret innocent remarks or acts as being sexist,” a formulation in which there is just a hint of Kafka) found that the Democrats with the highest “hostile sexism” scores preferred two teste-bearing candidates, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, while those with the lowest hostile-sexism scores ranked Warren and Biden about even but took a low view of Sanders. (Pete Buttigieg didn’t break 10 percent among the most hostile, the least hostile, or even the middle.) The Warren downslope intersects the Sanders upslope right in the middle of the hostile-sexism chart, but at no point in that chart does Warren actually lead Biden.
The feminists’ lamentation here is predictable: “Just give us a woman! Just give a woman a chance.” And the problem for Warren is the same problem that faced Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016: Americans are open to a woman — but that does not mean they are open to this woman. Many Democrats said that they worried about Warren not because she was a woman but because she reminds them of a particular woman — the one who lost to Donald Trump in 2016, an experience the Democrats are, understandably, not eager to repeat.
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