Poll: America doesn’t want Roe v. Wade overturned

Understanding Americans’ stance on Roe v. Wade is not as simple as looking at their opinion on abortion. Americans who call themselves “somewhat pro-life” subvert the idea that supporting access to abortion is simply polarized along pro-life and pro-choice lines. For Americans who consider themselves “somewhat pro-life,” a little more than one-third (37%) want Roe upheld and about one-third (33%) want it overturned. Three in ten (30%) are uncertain of their opinion.


But a majority of Americans who call themselves “strongly pro-choice” or “somewhat pro-choice” are certain that they do not want Roe v. Wade reversed. Similarly, a majority of those who call themselves “strongly pro-life” are certain that they do want it overturned.

One key trait distinguishes these somewhat pro-lifers from strong pro-lifers: somewhat pro-lifers are less likely to be religious than the strongly pro-life. A majority of those who are strongly pro-life (59%) say they practice a religion, compared to almost half that number (32%) for somewhat pro-lifers. About a quarter (25%) of somewhat pro-lifers say they do not belong to a religion, compared to 15 percent of strongly pro-life people.

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