The real truth the Iowa caucuses don't want you to know!

But out there—in the progressive Twitter news cul-de-sacs—the VEEP explanation was just a bit too pat. No—these guys didn’t just execute a political butt fumble for the ages. There must’ve been something else happening. At this level, “screw ups” are always just the cover story for dirty pool.


In this world, the Iowa Democratic party poobahs are diabolical geniuses out to get Bernie Sanders—not flawed human beings who didn’t know as much as they should have known and whose process faltered before cascading out of control. No, no, no.

These party bigwigs knew Bernie was going to win the caucuses in a landslide. So they only had one choice: sabotage the process.

And then, rather than pin the sabatoge on some other outside force, these geniuses decided to blow up their careers, their reputations, and the consulting cash gravy train that rolls into town every four years, by making themselves look as incompetent as possible. It’s the double-bluff! By making it look like they gakked it by accident, no one would ever realize that they gakked it on purpose.

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