Useless ideas to abandon in the new decade

1. Stop Recycling: Even when China was taking our trash at super-low prices, it was still usually cheaper to just dump our paper and plastics in a landfill and make more. Now that the overseas market for our dirty pizza boxes and used soda bottles has all but disappeared, it’s time to admit that our recycling model doesn’t work. Recycling costs twice as much — or more — in many communities than simply sending stuff to America’s ample landfills. In fact, if your town does single-stream recycling, your “blue bin” refuse is probably going to a landfill already. They just aren’t telling you.


2. Stop Spending More Money on Public Schools: Oops — too late! Massachusetts just passed a new (and unnecessary) $1.5 billion tax grab on behalf of teachers unions and six-figure salaried administrators. As Corey DeAngelis at Reason Magazine notes, in the U.S. “real education spending per pupil increased by 271% since 1960,” from $3,978 to $14,756 in 2016. Are our kids 271 percent better educated? Or course not. Student achievement, as measured by international testing, has been flat or falling for decades.

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