Trump will be very hard to beat

At the moment it seems that even many of our historians are left of center and speaking out against Trump. But someday that profession might remember it is supposed to be unbiased and honest. When that day arrives, historians will record Trump’s victory as an astounding political accomplishment.


Let’s not forget, this outsider beat 16 experienced, well-funded Republican candidates and their collective army of professional political minds — beat them like a drum. Next, the man who is ridiculed by the liberal elites and “never-Trumpers” for the way he speaks, looks and acts went on to beat the candidate heavily favored to win the White House: Hillary Clinton.

There is a “Trump can’t win” compilation on YouTube that showcases political, media and celebrity elites mocking Trump as they “guarantee” that he will, first, “not run for president,” then second, “lose quickly in the primary,” and finally, “get embarrassed by Hillary Clinton in the general election.”

I have no contact with this president or his team, but I have to imagine that every once in a while — in the privacy of that residence — Donald Trump pulls up that video of prima donna predictors and simply laughs himself silly.

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