Is he ever going to get his due, I wonder? And what about the next level, in 2021 or 2025? It is difficult to imagine a world in which Trump’s designated successor — if he has one — is anyone but Ivanka, whom he obviously considers the cleverest. Don Jr. might carpet-bag his way into a House seat somewhere in Colorado, but if one of Trump’s children runs for the White House at some point in the next decade or so, my guess is that it is going to be the one he has actually chosen to serve as one of his official senior advisers.
Don’t misunderstand me. My heart does not exactly go out to this failson, who is making a good living being his father’s most useful idiot of all. But I do think he should be commended for his filial piety, an old-fashioned and occasionally maligned virtue. Don’t tell me that if your father were president you too would not go on the radio and call his enemies communists and murderers and hunt prairie dogs (legally) with obscure reactionary congressmen if you thought it was going to help him, especially if all your siblings (including the ones who have always been his favorites) refuse to do it. We don’t get to pick who our parents are.
So I say one cheer for Don Jr.
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