The alt-right turns on the GOP establishment

Sunday’s insurrection against Trump was the latest in a series of conservative events that have seen their proceedings disrupted by white nationalist activists who believe that the president has failed to deliver on his election promises. Among other complaints, activists have cited the failure to build a wall on the Mexican border and the administration’s refusal to decrease the number of legal immigrants. Kirk has seen his own events crashed repeatedly as has Rep. Dan Crenshaw although none of the disturbances have received national media attention.


Turning Point USA, which has expelled a number of its own national and regional leaders after their ties to white nationalists were exposed, has increasingly constrained audience participation as Kirk’s “Culture War” college tour has seen activists pose questions designed to portray him as disloyal to America and hostile to Christian ideals.

Beyond spelling trouble for Kirk’s political future, the Los Angeles disruption is a clear indication that the white nationalist “alt-right” movement that rose to prominence with the assistance of Donald Trump’s repeated overtures to them has recovered from the 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which collapsed into violent chaos.

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