Bernie calls his plan to fund Medicare for All "far more" progressive than Warren's

“The function of health care is to provide health care to all people, not to make $100 billion in profits for the insurance companies and the drug companies. So, Elizabeth Warren and I agree on that. We do disagree on how you fund it. I think the approach that (I) have, in fact, will be much more progressive in terms of protecting the financial well being of middle income families,” Sanders, I-Vt., told ABC News’ Rachel Scott on the campaign trail in Iowa.


The two candidates spoke on the phone about her plan after it was released, Sanders said.

Before announcing her own way to fund Medicare for All, Warren frequently said she’s “with Bernie” on the plan and emphasized that she fully supports it as the best way to get health care coverage to all Americans. But Warren’s newly-released plan has provided one of the clearest differences between her and Sanders, two of the most progressive candidates in the race.

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