Mark Zuckerberg is right, Jack Dorsey is wrong

Second, Twitter’s ban only further empowers Silicon Valley billionaires, who already have a stronghold on defining what is truthful or acceptable speech, to now define what is and what is not “political.” It’s up to them to determine where to draw the line – and they won’t stop here. Banning ads is just the beginning.


That’s because those in the far-left of wing of the Democratic Party are afraid to defend their ideas. Rather than engage in a thoughtful discussion based on facts, reason, and evidence, they’re urging Big Tech to simply make it impossible for anyone to disagree.

What the left defines as “false” is anything that they disagree with.

And, critically, it is only the left that is calling for censorship. I don’t want social media to silence Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. I think their socialist agenda is nonsense. But, I am perfectly happy to engage them on substance to demonstrate that socialism has proven to be an abject failure and that the American free enterprise system has been the greatest enemy that poverty has ever seen.

If you disagree with me, or anyone else, engage on the merits, don’t censor the opposition.

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