U.S. military strength rated "marginal" as China, Russia on move

The Heritage Foundation released the 500-page report Wednesday, grading all four branches of the U.S. military and its nuclear arsenal as “marginal” based on manpower, equipment, and other factors.


That’s middle of the road on a five-tiered scale that goes from the worst score of “very weak” to the best score of “very strong.”

In a subcategory score, the Army got a “very strong” ranking for readiness, but its overall score was still marginal. The Marines improved their overall score of “weak” from the 2018 index…

“In comparing the threats posed by Russia and China, make no mistake, folks,” Ernst said. “While the Russia strategy is to disrupt the United States, it’s China’s intent to absolutely displace us. China seeks to expand everywhere America is perceived to be retreating.”

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