What emerged more than anything else was a style: a bandanna over the face, a helmet, some kind of makeshift weapon. Over time, the script developed. They would take over a public space, and insist they had the authority to permit or deny entrance to it. They began to fancy themselves the self-appointed state police of the progressive movement.
Over time, the rituals became commonplace: shouting over reporters, physically pushing those they disagreeing with while chanting, “This is not violence.” Their frenzied fury became well rehearsed. It is now as predictable as the final scene in “Hamlet.” It’s their show. They don’t have another one, but that’s okay, because we keep buying tickets.
As mentioned above, the artistic stylings of the white nationalist right are harder to spot, but they are there, and are in many ways very modern. There is of course the costuming, whether khakis or more dramatic outfits with Nazi or Roman overtones, a look steeped in some stereotype of the West. Then of course there are the memes, and characters like Pepe the frog.
The Internet provided these crackpots a safe space, and what emerged is full of artistic imagery, characters, and storylines. Just as with Antifa, these are essentially artistic direction choices meant to draw maximum attention.
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