Epstein’s opaque finances could become focal point for investigators

Interviews with people briefed on various investigations into Mr. Epstein’s wealth, and legal and financial documents in multiple countries, show that tens of millions of dollars coursed through his offshore companies and foundations in sometimes unusual ways.


In the early 2000s, for example, $88 million appeared in Mr. Epstein’s Virgin Islands-registered company that normally was home to only small amounts of money. At another point, an entity once linked to Mr. Epstein sent tens of millions of dollars to the charity of a billionaire retail tycoon, Leslie H. Wexner — years after Mr. Wexner has said he severed ties with Mr. Epstein…

People briefed on the matter said Mr. Epstein created a complex web of investment vehicles for Mr. Wexner, then collected high fees or withdrew funds for his personal use. Tax records show that many millions of dollars moved from one of Mr. Wexner’s charities to a charity that Mr. Epstein controlled.

But Mr. Wexner has not made public evidence showing that Mr. Epstein misappropriated the money, disclosed how much money Mr. Epstein took or said where Mr. Epstein misappropriated the money from.

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