Anyone who has threatened self-harm, has threatened to harm others or is mentally unstable should not have access to a gun. At all. You can call it an infringement on rights if you want. I don’t care. Just get guns away from such people.
The actions of a sick and twisted few cannot be allowed to strip away the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. And let’s be clear: Depriving Americans of their constitutional right to bear arms is the ultimate goal of many on the left who exploit tragedies such as these for political gain. But that doesn’t change the fact that we must not allow people who threaten harm to themselves or others to have guns.
As is the case with most laws, the devil can be in the details. Whenever we allow the government to take this kind of aggressive action, we must also allow for strong due-process protections. Without due process, the entire legal system can turn into mob rule. Due process is a crucial part of U.S. jurisprudence and basic fairness.
That’s why a judge should determine whether a person meets the red-flag threshold for having a weapon. Any such person must be given the opportunity to plead his or her case before a judge in a hearing that occurs in a timely and expedited manner.
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